Image of Sean talking to the team, bouncing ideas off each other.

& Strategy


Design that turns heads, headlines that hit home with an audience.

Icon of two hands shaking in greeting


Consistent communication to saturate the marketplace.

Image of two arrows cycling showing it repeating


More than awareness, our creative campaigns are moneymakers.

two conversation bubbles


Often, our work is awarded as the best. 

Award ribbon


When the launch takes place, we’re just getting started.

Rocket ship launching

Case Study No. 1


A Legendary campaign

Granite Peak knew they wanted to do something that would resonate with families and winter sports lovers, and position Granite peak as the best winter destination.

During our research, we discovered that Granite Peak is reputed to be the final resting place of Paul Bunyan. We created a new tagline, Legendary, and used it as the foundation for a video-based winter campaign.

The mythical campaign became a vehicle for the stories of different legendary characters. Our storybook concepts married winter sports attractions with fairy-tale vignettes. The family of videos put the message of terrain parks, family skiing and riding, nighttime options, and a bit of bucking gender stereotypes was on full display.

  • Campaign concept, script writing, storyboard, videography, talent management, signal art, animation

  • Destination mountain in Wisconsin with the most glade terrain, progression parks, a race program, and night skiing.

  • Creative Director, Account Manager, Writer, Producer, Director, Cinematographer, Actors, Editor, Animator, Proofreader

Behind The Scenes & Process

Ticket Sales Doubled year-over-year.

Winner, 2022 NSAA Marketing Award: Best Use of Video.

Case Study No. 2


A marketshare master class.

When it comes to skiing, the stakes are higher as more mountains come together offering passes that get skiers and riders into multiple mountains.

We had been working with Peak Resorts for three seasons when they asked us to create a pass to target East Coast skiers and riders and compete against emerging passes.

Understanding that the audience would range in age and demographics, we simply presented the eastern mountains as a frontier to be conquered. The name, Peak Pass, created an opportunity for the parent company to build brand equity, while the tagline, “How the East was One,” tapped into regional pride. Skiing East Coast mountains can involve gnarly terrain and unforgiving conditions. We leaned into that as we carved out the levels.

  • Campaign Concept, Logo & Tagline, Iconography, Pass Design, Consumer Kit, Digital & Social Ads, Merchandise, Poster Design, Videography

  • Comprehensive ski season passes for resorts in the Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and D.C. markets.

  • Creative Director, Account Manager, Graphic Designer, Copywriter, Proofreader, Videographer, Actors, Editor, Production Coordinator

Design Development & Production

9% Fourth Quarter growth • 47% increase in Drifter Pass sales • Black Friday ticket sales doubled.

Case Study No. 3


Taking a community to market

Long known as the City of the Hills, Oneonta wanted to reinvent itself without losing its quirky personality. We conducted focus groups with stakeholders across various demographics and built a profile. From there we began to play with who this city could be. What emerged was an invitation and a declaration.

  • Brand, Style Guide, Wayfinding Signage, Collateral, Ads, Videos

  • City in Otsego County

  • Creative Director, Brand Strategist, Art Director, Designer, Copywriter, Videographer, Illustrator, Editor, Producer, Production Manager, Proofreader

Behind The Scenes & Process

7 seconds.

The time it takes to form an impression of your brand.

Case Study No. 4


Strength in (small) numbers

“We are small and fiercely independent.” That’s what the Nathan Littauer team told us when they asked for help with an awareness campaign as other healthcare institutions shuttered or were absorbed by conglomerates.

Like a catchy John Mayer song, we decided the best thing to do was say what we needed to say, and “small is powerful” was born.

  • Campaign Concept, Digital Ad Campaign, Print Campaign, Collateral, Video, Photography, Scripts, Radio, Media Buy

  • Small, independent hospital in Amsterdam, New York.

  • Creative Director, Art Director, Designer, Copywriter, Videographer, Producer, Editor, Cinematographer, Proofreader, Media Planner

Bringing small into focus